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i can’t deny what i feel inside
我无法抵抗内心的感受  detail>>
what i feel inside
我内心的那份感觉是什么  detail>>
words are none to what i feel inside
谚语已无法表达我内心的感受  detail>>
i can feel something inside me say
心中有个声音对我说  detail>>
what i feel for you
我对你的感觉  detail>>
if you feel what i feel
如果您感觉到了那种感觉  detail>>
i feel i can fly
痴迷滑翔伞运动  detail>>
and i can feel,
我也感觉到  detail>>
and the moment i can feel that
这一刻我知道  detail>>
i can feel it everywhere
我处处都能感觉到它  detail>>
i do what i can
即使我尽我所能  detail>>
but what can i say
但我能说什么呢  detail>>
what can i do
我该怎么办哪 我该怎么做 我能做什么 我能做些什麽  detail>>
what can i prepare
我准备什么  detail>>
and the happy way i feel inside
我乐在其中  detail>>
what i want you to feel
和你感同身受  detail>>
i can no longer hold inside
再也无法隐藏  detail>>
what i see is how i feel
我看到的和我感到的 我看见的就是我感觉的 我所看到的是我如何感觉和  detail>>